Yah'ki Awakened

Where Peace, Health, Energy and Awareness is always first priority. Yahki Awakened & Eye of Lotus Botanicals is a committed family who specializes and focuses on cellular regeneration, DNA repair, and intracellular detoxification using a high energetic diet and powerful alkaline botanicals. Their core belief is that the body has the ability to heal itself when provided the optimal environment for maximum cellular potential.

Yah’ki is a Master Herbalist and highly knowledgeable in Theoretical Psychology, Metaphysics, and Biochemistry. He has been studying and practicing herbalism (Natural Pathology) for the past 10 years. Yah’ki is a certified Master Herbalist, Reiki Healer, and Energy Crystal Healer. He has restored health to people suffering from Diabetes, Herpes, Sickle Cell Anemia, various Cancers, Autoimmune Diseases, and many more.

Their ultimate goal is to provide the masses with the necessary tools for healing. Through proper nutrition, amino acid therapy, and education, your health can be restored. We are very misinformed and led to believe that many of the Dis-Eases people are suffering from are incurable, but not anymore! Their company specializes in Herbal compounds and formulas designed to aid and strengthen the cells of the human body. Come take this amazing journey. Enjoy yourself while learning how to heal yourself and others who are suffering. Break The illusion we call disease!


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